Your head is probably swimming with all the items you need to remember during your move—making sure the movers show up on time, remembering to change your address at the post office, closing on a house—the last thing you need to worry about is how to insure and register your vehicle. Too many newcomers don’t know the correct procedure for insuring and registering their vehicle in Massachusetts and spend hours needlessly on the phone or waiting in line. This is unfortunate because when handled correctly, insuring and registering your car(s) can be painless.
Massachusetts state law requires that you have automobile insurance before you title or register your vehicle. Acacia Insurance will provide your insurance, complete your registry paperwork, certify it, and have our courier submit it to the registry—at no additional cost. When the courier returns with your new license plates and registration we can have them delivered directly to your door. If you are buying a new car, we will work directly with your dealer to electronically certify your paperwork so that you can get your new car faster.
Acacia Insurance will provide your insurance, complete your registry paperwork, certify it, and have our courier submit it to the registry—at no additional cost.

Should you get a Massachusetts driver’s license?
While out-of-state or foreign-licensed drivers MUST obtain a MA driver’s license upon becoming a MA resident, you are not required to switch to a Massachusetts license to register your vehicle. However, it may still make good sense to do so from an insurance perspective. Insurance companies may use Massachusetts’ “Safe Driver Insurance Plan” when setting rates. Using this system, out of state drivers are treated as new drivers and are not eligible for experience credit on their insurance. Acacia Insurance represents the companies that insure 80% of the vehicles in Massachusetts, and after reviewing your driving record—be it in state or out of state—we’ll search for the best auto insurance rates available.
Ready to learn more?
Acacia Insurance has been helping to make the unexpected uneventful since 1988, and we look forward to working with you. Please contact us with questions and for additional information.